Tag: Accepted Students – Undergraduate

Undergraduate Programs

15 Questions I had before coming to Clarkson

After getting acceptance letters to all the colleges I applied to, I thought the hard part was over. However, it had just begun. It was a good problem to have – receiving acceptance letters from over ten colleges. But I was struggling with how to find which one was the right fit for me and …

Undergraduate Programs

8 Things To Do While Waiting for College Admissions Decisions

A close up of hands typing on a laptop in an office.

If you’re looking to attend college next fall, then chances are you’ve done your part by applying to colleges. The question you might be asking yourself is, so now what? How do you spend your time while you wait for decisions to roll in? We’ve got some ideas for you! 1. Stay Positive & Confident …

Undergraduate Programs

An Environmental Engineer Abroad

A Women standing on a balcony with the city skyline behind her

Going abroad for a semester is a huge part of Clarkson’s international culture. Many students choose to study in another country and experience a different lifestyle. While Business majors and Engineering & Management majors are required to have an international experience, studying abroad is available to all students. Mackenzie Peters, a Senior Environmental Engineering Major …

Undergraduate Programs

Celebrating Clarkson University’s First Generation Students

On November 8, the Council for Opportunity in Education and Center for First Generation Student Success celebrates the sixth annual First Generation Celebration Day. Here at Clarkson, we join other colleges and universities across the country in celebrating our students who are the first in their family to attend college and receive a higher education. Mahammadou Tunkara ’24, …

Undergraduate Programs

Personalized Visit vs. Accepted Students Day — Which One Should You Choose?

So you’re considering Clarkson. Great! If you’ve never been to campus, the question should not be, “Should I go to campus and check it out?” because the answer is always yes! (if you can). Instead, the question is, “How should I visit campus?” and further, “Should I go for Accepted Students Day and a more …

Undergraduate Programs

My Research Trip to Germany

A women spinning around on a cobblestone path in front of a arched structure

Gracie DeLaBruere is a senior psychology major at Clarkson University with a concentration in health psychology, and is on a pre-physical therapy track. She is also part of the Honors Program. This past summer, she traveled to Germany with several other students and her professor to continue their research work in partnership with the Max …


North Country Outdoor Adventures

Hello and welcome all incoming first-year students, transfers and any passing traveler to the North Country. One of our largest and oldest clubs on Clarkson University’s’ campus is the Clarkson University Outing Club (CUOC). We wish to share some of the favorite outdoor adventure spots for both beginners and the more experienced adventurer. Members of …

Undergraduate Programs

A Golden Knight’s Guide to Your First Hockey Game

Clarkson Students at Cheel Arena cheering at a Men's hockey game vs SLU

It is no surprise that the Clarkson Golden Knight Hockey team has a very large presence on campus. For the majority of the year, every weekend is spent packed inside the Cheel arena cheering on the teams. Before coming to Clarkson, many students have never been to a hockey game or not one on the …

Undergraduate Programs

Tips For Move-In Day

New Clarkson students move their personal items in to their residence halls during move in weekend

Move-In Day can be full of chaos, stress, and emotions. Planning for this day with the appropriate tips can reduce the stress and amp up the excitement! Here is a list of what to do before and during Move-In Day! Before Move-In Day: Making Move-In Day a Breeze:

Undergraduate Programs

Decorating Your Dorm: The Quad Basics

Two students hold video game controllers while seated on wooden chairs in their dorm room.

Congratulations! You are in, and just received your roommate and dorm room assignment. Living in the quad at Clarkson University is a great place to meet other first-year students new to the campus and college living just like you! The Quad is comprised of four residence hall buildings that are all connected. Whether you are …