Month: February 2024

Academics + Admission, Global and Immersion Experiences, The Clarkson School, Undergraduate Programs

A Journey of Discovery: My Global Experience Trip with The Clarkson School

Hi, my name is Carly LaBow ’25 and I am from LaFargeville, New York. I am a current Business Administration major with a double minor in Human Resource Management and Communications. I attended The Clarkson School (TCS) last year as the Class of 2023.  Around this time last year, I found myself learning the basics …

Uncategorized, Undergraduate Programs

Navigating the Transition: A Guide to Thriving in The Clarkson School

Carly LaBow sitting on the brick wall in her TCS graduation gown with her diploma

Embarking on the journey from high school to college can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. For those who are taking the step into the realm of higher education through The Clarkson School, the transition can be quite earlier than expected. However, this exhilarating adventure is filled with opportunities for personal and academic growth. Speaking from …