It is no surprise that the Clarkson Golden Knight Hockey team has a very large presence on campus. For the majority of the year, every weekend is spent packed inside the Cheel arena cheering on the teams. Before coming to Clarkson, many students have never been to a hockey game or not one on the …
Month: July 2022
10 Pieces of Advice for a First-Year Student
Going into your first year of college is a big step, and may seem daunting, but everyone who is here had to take that first step into their first year just like you! My name is Cassidy Marshall and I am a Communication, and Media Design major with a New Product Development and Marketing minor. …
Tips For Move-In Day
Move-In Day can be full of chaos, stress, and emotions. Planning for this day with the appropriate tips can reduce the stress and amp up the excitement! Here is a list of what to do before and during Move-In Day! Before Move-In Day: Making Move-In Day a Breeze:
Clarkson University Libraries
As you all are getting ready to land into your residence halls, find your way around campus and start making friends and meeting fellow classmates- you’ll eventually begin your academic year. One of the most important and helpful resources for your learning needs is the Clarkson University Libraries! We’re going to dive into what services …
How Letters of Recommendation can Create A Holistic Image of Your Strengths
Most graduate programs require two or three letters of recommendation. You see that in the instructions and freeze. Questions may overwhelm you. Who do I ask? How should I ask? How early should I get started? To answer these questions, here are six tips for securing strong recommendation letters for graduate school. Get the right …