Tag: Accepted Students – Undergraduate

Undergraduate Programs

The Three Biggest Adjustments Faced by First-Year Students in College

I can tell you firsthand that the change between high school and college is a big adjustment that affects every student, regardless of how prepared you are, how mature you are and how open to change you are. Moving away, meeting new people and being more of an individual than ever before can be difficult. …

Undergraduate Programs

Top 10 Things to Do as a First-Year Clarkson Student

One of the biggest questions we get from students interested in coming to Clarkson is, “What is there to do there?” We’re not in a big city (although we’ve got some really cool Canadian ones nearby — get your passport ready!), but there’s still LOTS to do here. So we’re counting down the top 10 …

Undergraduate Programs

Top 10 Questions Asked on Clarkson Campus Tours

Hello everyone! My name is Libby and I am in my final semester at Clarkson (time really does fly). In my four years at Clarkson, I have had the opportunity to get involved in many different parts of student life. I am a captain of the Varsity Alpine Ski Team, a student manager in the …

Undergraduate Programs

What It’s Like to Be on a SPEED Team at Clarkson (And Why It’s Better Here)

I can definitely say that after being at Clarkson University for 3.5 years now, I credit most of my true engineering experience to the Clarkson SPEED (Student Projects for Engineering Experience and Design) program. Of course, you learn all of the necessary engineering concepts and methods through your classes while at Clarkson; however, you can …

Undergraduate Programs

The Top Three Benefits of Being a Student-Athlete in College

Hi everyone! My name is Libby McCusker, and I am one of the senior captains of the varsity Alpine ski team here at Clarkson and an innovation and entrepreneurship major. When I came to Clarkson, I was thrilled to be able to compete at the collegiate level in a sport that I had worked so …

Undergraduate Programs

The Best Ski & Snowboard Spots Around (Us)

Throughout my time at Clarkson, one of my favorite things I’ve looked forward to is ski season. When you go to a school where the temperature can drop to the single digits (or negatives), it’s important to make the most of it and get active. I grew up in a small town in Massachusetts where …